
WORLD HUSSAIN PEACE DAY-symbolizes [W]orld wide [O]rganized peaceful [R]allies/[r]] to [L]aunch a [D]aily [H]umans [U]niversally / (u)nifying, with (u)tmost [S]olemn (s)olidarity, with (s)elflesness, [S]incerity & (s)erendipity, while [A]ssiduously (a)iming for an [I]nfinite [N]ovel [P]eaceful [E]xistence of [A]ll [C]reatures on [E]arth [D]ashing out of (d)wellings [A]nd [Y]ap SayNo2Alcohol and Drugs -WORLD HUSSAIN PEACE DAY since alcohol, and drugs maybe intertwined to violence, to a very great degree, and shattering th every foundation of humanity. ………………..Striving to Span Global Communities for a GLOBAL HEALTHY FAMILY