Imam Hussain (PBUH), a 7th century Revolutionary Leader, who stood for Non-violence, and Peace & is recognized as the King and Lord of Martyrs, was the grandson of Prophet Mohammed, [PBUH], from the lineage of Prophet Moses, and Prophet Abraham (PBUT). Rabindranath Tagore (an Indian Nobel Peace Prize Winner, 1913) stated “Hussain is the Leader of Humanity. Hussain will warm the coldest heart”. Alcohol Dependency, Drug Dependency, and Violence may be Intertwined, to a great degree, which may be shattering the very foundation of humanity. In US, alcohol related vehicle crashes causes one death every 50 seconds, according to National Highway Traffic Safety administration. And according to World Health Organization approximately over 3 million deaths worldwide every year are related to alcohol John Bacon stated, “Alcohol causes more damage to lives, and wealth, than all wars, and natural disasters put together. October 2nd marks the World No alcohol Day, officially signed by 193 World Health Organization members, to reduce alcohol consumption. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, to name a few, were world renowned freedom fighter/activists, who were inspired by Imam Hussain (PBUH), directly or indirectly.  Paying glowing tributes, to Imam Hussain (PBUH), means observing “WORLD HUSSAIN DAY,” on the “World No Alcohol Day” October 2nd every Year. “WORLD HUSSAIN DAY” is an extremely urgently needed VACCINE, and an extension of “World No Alcohol Day”, to vaccinate against the Alcohol, and Drug related PANDEMIC (affecting some or all facets of lives, with multiple repercussions for aeons and for generations, many a time; but with “EVERYDAY BOOSTERS” needed (and with humans left not just worrying about the Covid Pandemic alone).

We are Striving to span Global Communities, for a Healthy Global Family and, are both dedicated to the agonizing memories of the two children of Imam Hussain, Infant Ali Asghar and very young young child, Roqaiyya [aka Sukaina, or Sakina] (PBUT) Infant Ali Asghar was martyred twice, first time prior to him being massacred, when he was killed by a three headed arrow (originally build to kill humongous sized animals), on the dayof Ashura Day [10th of Mohurrum month-Islamic calendar] 1400 + years ago, in the city of Kerbala, Iraq), and the second time when his body was dug out/exhumed by the enemies of humanity, and beheaded, on the night of Ashura and the head was raised on a spear, and  paraded ….The young child Roqaiyya, who, while still a captive, after her Father’s martyrdom on Ashura, inflicted with innumerable other pathos, was the world’s first child Eulogist/Orator, and Narrator of the Kerbala and beyond –“Pre and post Ashura   Episodes, until her martyrdom, while still in captivity, in Syria, a month after Ashura. .